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[[Equal Opportunities and Diversity Policy]]
'''[[Equal Opportunities and Diversity Policy]]'''

== Communications Policy and IT ==
== Communications Policy and IT ==

Revision as of 11:33, 1 October 2012

The Flashbay Office Manual

The purpose of this manual is to explain in a practical way the systems, policies and procedures in operation at Flashbay. Flashbay's approach and ethos has been created and maintained to ensure a meritocratic and open culture. We are proud of Flashbay's energetic atmosphere which appreciates contribution and dynamism at all levels.

The manual does not form part of the contractual terms of your employment. It will be updated as and when systems or procedures change and we will notify you whenever major changes have been made. At all times, the Internet version is the live, up to date version and you should refer to this rather than any paper copies. If you have any suggestions for additions to the office manual, or if you need clarification on any of the policies, please email James Roberts, Director of Flashbay, in the first instance.

Flashbay Values

General Information


Equal Opportunities and Diversity Policy

Communications Policy and IT


Email, the Internet, telephone and fax facilities and voicemail are widely used by Flashbay, both internally and as a means of communicating to customers and others outside Flashbay.

These technologies are an extremely efficient means of communication. However, use of them may bring a number of potential problems and pitfalls. The following policy on the use of electronic communications is intended to ensure that all staff (including temporary staff and contractors) can ensure that the integrity of Flashbay's work and reputation is protected.

This policy applies not only to Flashbay's standard equipment but also to any other equipment provided by or on behalf of Flashbay.

To protect its business and the interests of customers, staff and others, you should note that Flashbay reserves the right to access, monitor and review your telephone log and calls, voicemail, email (including personal/private email or email accounts accessed from or using Flashbay equipment), internet use and other communication facilities provided by Flashbay which you may use during your time with us. We undertake to use this right reasonably, when necessary, in a targeted manner and for legitimate reasons but it is important that you are aware that communication and activities on our premises cannot be presumed to be private. If the monitoring reveals other information that we cannot be reasonably expected to ignore (e.g. criminal activity, gross misconduct etc) then that information might be used against you or disclosed by us to relevant authorities.

Unauthorised downloads

You must never, without permission from the IT Department, install, import or open non-text or unauthorised files, software, programs, music files, video files or unknown attachments on to your PC, Flashbay's system or any computer equipment, whether from disc, CD-ROM, email or any other medium unless it relates to Flashbay's business. This includes non-Flashbay screensavers. All our workstations have anti-virus software installed and if this detects a problem, or you are unsure whether it is safe to open a particular attachment, you should always refer to the IT Department who will scan any work-related files or programs for viruses before passing them to you, to ensure there is no risk to our systems.

Always remember that music, text and other content on the internet are copyright works. Never download or email to others such content unless you are certain that the owner of such works allows this.

Inappropriate Material

Do not access, download, redistribute, or copy using the Flashbay system or using equipment provided by Flashbay, any e-mail, or webpage containing material that, in the widest meaning of these terms and whether legal in the UK or not, could be regarded as: offensive or obscene (including pornography), in bad taste or immoral, containing extreme or hate speech, or relating to illegal matters.

Use of another's Employee's system/accounts or access details.

It is forbidden to gain or attempt to gain unauthorised access to another computer system or another person's non-public system and you are warned that such actions may well constitute criminal offences as well as being a serious breach of this policy. You must never send messages from an account other than your own on Flashbay's system nor (except where authorised by a Director) send or receive any message, fax or voicemail under a name other than your own name.


You should keep your passwords confidential. You should memorise them and must not write it down anywhere. Flashbay's systems require you to change your password on a frequent basis. It is forbidden to give passwords to access office systems to any third party without Flashbay's express prior permission.

You should choose passwords which are 'strong' and not susceptible to a dictionary attack. It should contain letters + at least 1 number + 1 special character e.g. !£$%

If you choose a very poor password, for example, in the form of 'YourName2008', this is negligent and putting Flashbay's data and security at high risk.

Zimbra or Netsuite contacts

Addresses or contact details held in Zimbra or Netsuite belong to Flashbay. Such lists are the property of Flashbay and may not be copied or removed in part or in their entirety by you for use outside of your employment or after your employment comes to an end.

Personal use of Flashbay's IT, telephone and other facilities

Reasonable and minimal use of Flashbay's IT facilities to make and receive urgent personal telephone calls, to send and receive personal urgent faxes and email or to browse the web for urgent personal reasons is acceptable.

Activities such as browsing Facebook or Myspace, or checking personal email accounts during office hours is not permitted. We reserve the right to monitor your internet to ensure compliance with our IT policy.

Bypassing, deleting or editing internet history or other log files

The use of the Private Browsing feature in Firefox is strictly prohibited. Clearing / deleting the browser history is also forbidden. All Flashbay IT hardware and internet connections are provided to support your efficient working and the company reserves the right to audit the usage of such resources. Deleting, bypassing, falsifying or tampering with any records or files which allow for such reasonable auditing to take place will result in a formal written warning or, in serious cases, may result in summary dismissal.

This policy also applies to equivalent features in other web browsers for those employees specifically authorised by the Flashbay Management to use a web browser other than Firefox, the official company browser, for specific business reasons.

Use of remote connection software

The use of any form of remote connection software, including but not limited to Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection, TeamViewer, LogMeIn, GotToMyPC and VNC to connect to any computer either inside or outside the Flashbay network is strictly prohibited unless specifically authorised by the Flashbay Management and supervised by IT. Infringement of this policy will result in a formal written warning or, in serious cases, may result in summary dismissal.

Remote access to Flashbay systems or data

Remote access to any Flashbay computer system is prohibited as described in the previous section. Remote access (meaning from any location other than a Flashbay workplace) to Netsuite, Zimbra or any other Flashbay application, data or service is also prohibited unless authorised by the Flashbay Management.

Email use


Any business email should be written in the same professional way as a business letter or a facsimile because it is still a showcase for Flashbay. In other words it should be properly addressed, well structured and written clearly using normal capitalisation and punctuation.

It should not use abbreviations, slang, humour or sarcasm unless you are sure that the recipient will understand this.

If an email contains 'guarantees' then, prior to sending, it should be authorised by a Director.

A check must be made that the email is not being inadvertently sent to the wrong addressee or the wrong address.

Do not create email congestion by sending trivial messages or unnecessarily copying emails to those who do not have a real need to see them.

Do not attempt to send attachments in excess of 10MB. If you have artwork files in excess of this size, it is very likely that it is in an incorrect format for use by our company and should be modified or re-requested from the customer in a suitable format before internal distribution.

Do not CC your own address on any messages that you send - this can cause a serious problem where some or all of the intended recipients will receive the message many times.

Email size

The system of Email was not designed for sending large amounts of data. Be careful never to send emails bigger than a few MB, and generally keep emails below 1MB where possible.

1MB email - a big email, by anyone's standard. 5MB email - a huge email 10MB email- ridiculously big size email, many recipient servers will block such emails.

Because employees of Flashbay are often handling customer data, artwork and images, it is important that you have an appreciation of file sizes.

There is almost never a legitimate occasion to send an email over 10MB, if your email balloons over this size you are doing something wrong e.g. using wrong file format.

Email style/appearance

Be consistent with the format of your emails and pay special attention to this when cutting and pasting recycled content.

The font and colour you use should be standardised in every email unless for effect. The font settings you should use in Zimbra are standardised as:

Font – Arial/Sans Serif Font Size – 12 point Font Colour – Dark Gray.

Your Email signature should be setup for you when you arrive at the company. It is your responsibility to alert the IT team to any changes which may be required to the signature in future (such as change in job title, or phone number).

In Zimbra, the signature settings can be found in Preferences Tab - Signatures. You can generate your signature in this tool then cut and paste it into the Zimbra signature window

Email and Holiday

Before you go on Holiday you need to do three things. You can do all of these things in Zimbra yourself, and they are your responsibility to complete before your holiday. It's best to do them 1 working hour before you depart (so the day before your holiday in most cases)

1) Setup an 'Out of Office' Auto responder in Zimbra 2) Set the email address to which your email will be forwarded during your holiday (e.g. email address of your colleague who will be covering for you).

Click on the 'Preferences Tab' -> 'Mail' -> 'Receiving Messages'.

The auto responder text to use is standardised, you can the text from this page: Signature

3) Share your both your 'inbox' and 'sent' folders in Zimbra with the person who will cover for you so they can see your email history.

Share a folder by right clicking it, choose 'share', then enter the email address of the person who you wish to share the folder with. Set the role to 'viewer', the press OK. Check your colleague can see your shared folder after they have accepted the share invitation which will be automatically emailed to them.

Disclosure of emails

You must not set up your email system automatically to forward emails outside Flashbay, as this risks breaching our confidentiality obligations (for example, conflict checks for competitors and price sensitive information might be forwarded, which could be very damaging if in the wrong hands). Note that (where appropriate) emails may be passed on by the recipient to third parties. Please also be aware that, even if it is deleted from your Inbox, material remains on the system and may still be monitored by Flashbay.

Telephone use

The following principles will help to ensure that all telephone communication is effective and professional:

(a) All employees are expected to answer incoming telephone calls.

(b) We aim to ensure that all calls are answered within 3 rings.

(c) Answer the telephone by saying ‘Good Morning / Afternoon, Flashbay, (your name) speaking, how may I help?’

(d) Always record the caller’s name and their company name so that when you transfer the call you can pass this information on.

(e) If the person you are transferring to is busy, always be prepared to take a message and then email this to them so that they can follow up appropriately.

(f) Where appropriate ensure that you promptly follow up telephone calls with an email that provides a written record of the key points of the conversation. This is crucial if there should be some future dispute about what was said during the call.

(g) Please do not conduct calls on speaker phone as this may disturb others.

(h) Use of Flashbay's telephone facilities to make and receive urgent personal calls is acceptable. Other calls should be made from your personal mobile phone, outside the office, outside working hours.

SNOM 820 phones

The phones use the latest Voice over Internet Protocol (VOIP) technology. Your call is transmitted over the internet, which keeps call costs down.

How to transfer a call to another person in the company

1) Inform the caller that you will be transferring their call by saying 'Please hold the line, I will try to transfer you to (the name of your colleague)'. 2) Press Hold (the customer will hear music) 3) Dial the colleague's extension you want to transfer to, then press tick button 4) Speak to your colleague. Hang up phone to complete the transfer (or if you have a headset plugged in, press the 'transfer button' to complete the transfer)

Extension numbers?

Click here for a printable list ->

However we encourage you to use the phone's own directory.

a) Pressing the top right button on the phone gives you a directory of all phone users in the company (as there are many users, this can be a bit inefficient)

b) Pressing the 2nd top right button on the phone gives you a directory of all phone users related to your job function (e.g. those people in your sales team). This is very useful.

Note you can use the directory buttons when transferring a call if you don't know the users extension.


a) Speak very closely/precisely into the handset microphone for the customer to hear you clearly. The handset microphone on the SNOM phone is designed to reduce background noise - if you hold the phone away from the mouth, customers cannot hear you easily.

b) If your dialpad starts outputting letters instead of numbers, you accidently enabled this feature. Pick up the handset, and press the 'ABC' or '123' button on the phone's screen until you set the dialpad back to using numbers.

c) If your phone does not work, email a precise description of the problem to the IT contact in your office.

d) If the caller complains of an 'echo' effect (e.g. they say they can hear their own voice), the source is your phone. You need to reduce your handset volume using the volume button on the phone. 50% volume is a suitable setting.

Skype Instant Messenger


This section applies to non-sales staff and team leaders only. The majority of your daily internal communication can be done by email though for urgent requests (when you need an answer within 5-10 minutes for an important matter) then use of an instant messenger can be a useful tool. Within Flashbay we use a program called 'Skype' for this purpose.

Under no circumstances must you:

(a) communicate with a customer via Skype

(b) communicate to any personal contacts not working at Flashbay via Skype

Communicating via Skype

Your Skype communication must be concise, polite and comprehensive.

1) Say 'hello' then ask your question precisely giving all information (e.g. a customer number or sales order number) in the very 1st line of your communication. Do not say hello, think about what you want to say, and then write part of your question later as this wastes the time of the recipient.

2) Do not use excessive question or exclamation marks such as ??????????????????. This can be construed as being impolite.

3) To add a line break to a message that you are typing hold down the shift key and press the return / enter key. Do not press the return / enter key on its own until you have composed your entire message as this key is used for sending.

Example of bad Skype communication:

Person A says: hello Person B says: hello

30 seconds later

Person A says: the HALO drive Person B says: what about it?

30 seconds later

Person A says: are there plans to make it in black too???????

10 seconds later

Person A says: like alloy series Person B says: no plans, but for a huge order (10k+), and serious big company we could consider it on a long lead time. Person A says: ok, they are after 75 units Person B says: we cannot offer this.

Example of better Skype communication:

Person A says: Hi, customer C5051 Rolls Royce is wondering whether we can offer Halo series in black aluminium as per alloy series. They need 75 units, lead time is 3 weeks. They are then considering ordering 20k units.

Person B says: For the 75 units we cannot offer this – they have to use standard product for an initial trial. For the 20k we can fulfil this as a special request subject to 30 day lead time.

Setting up your profile

In order to make our communication quick and convenient, your Skype profile should be setup in the same format as the rest of the company:

(a) Set your nickname in format ‘TM Ted 856’, which starts with a prefix, then your first name, and ends with your internal telephone extension number. If you share a name with another member of staff, you can add your surname too.

London office staff should use ‘FB’ as the prefix

Shenzhen office staff should use ‘TM’ as the prefix.

United States office staff should use ‘US’ as the prefix.

This prefix information is useful so your colleagues know what times zone and location you are in.

(b) Set all your phone numbers strictly following Skype format.

For example, a fixed phone number 0755-29773450 in China should be +8675529773450, and a mobile phone number 13686496958 should be +8613686496958. Don’t use any space or hyphen(‘-‘) in phone numbers. Also, don’t put your extension number in phone numbers, like ‘+8675529773450 ext. 851’ as it is already in your nickname.

(c) To complete this step, just choose the right country/region, input your phone number without the country code and any separator.

Skype will append the country code and make its format correct automatically.

(d) Use a recent and clear image of yourself so that we can get to know each other better.

(e) Remove your personalized signature, as signatures occupy spaces that should hold phone number links in Skype contact list.

After editing your Skype profile, your profile page should look like below:

New joiners to the company can ask a colleague if they have questions about setting up Skype, as it can take a few days to get familiar with.


IT Procedure when absent from the office

You must contact the IT department to activate the out of office auto reply to automatically reply to messages received in your absence. The message should indicate the dates of your absence and give the sender details of a colleague to whom they may refer to for further assistance in the meantime. You should do this in all instances when you are away for one full working day or more. This procedure should be followed for absences whether unexpected or planned.

If it is planned, it is your responsibility to arrange for a colleague to cover for you. This should be done in good time, and you should prepare for your absence effectively. Some suggestions:

(a) Prepare a list of any ongoing issues that your colleague will have to deal with in your absence. (b) Alert them to any important orders you are expecting to receive. (c) Make sure your Zimbra organisation is very clear should a colleague need to view your past communication. Obviously this is something which applies to day to day work too. (d) Leave the colleague with an emergency contact number (mobile phone number preferred) should they need to check important information. However, if you have prepared suitably, then there should be no need to call you.

Compassionate Leave

Any request for compassionate leave, e.g. for serious illness, death or the funeral of a close relative, will be considered on an individual basis. Requests for compassionate leave should be made to the relevant Director/ Manager who will discuss the matter internally and get back to you in a timely manner.

Sickness Absence

If you are ill you should notify the Admin team before the beginning of each working day you are unable to attend.

Discretionary Sick Pay and Statutory Sick Pay

Please refer to your individual employment contract.

Maternity Leave

All pregnant staff will be monitored regularly by the appropriate HR Manager who will consult with both you and your manager to assess your condition, in relation to various risks for example, stress, standing or sitting for long periods of time, workstations and posture, and long working hours. We will carry out a health and safety assessment considering these risks and will take into account any issues raised by your GP or midwife e.g. high blood pressure.

We reserve the right to ask for certain evidence from you to support any application for parental leave or time off for dependants.


Flashbay's holiday year runs from 1st April to 31st March. Holidays may only be taken which are approved by your Director/Manager and not more than 10 days holiday may be taken consecutively without express approval.

Your holiday entitlement is set out in your employment contract. You are entitled to holiday once you have completed 6 months of continuous employment.

When you join Flashbay your annual holiday entitlement is pro-rated and is calculated by dividing your full annual holiday entitlement by 52 weeks and then multiplying this figure with the actual number of weeks worked within the holiday year. This same calculation is used to determine your pro-rated holiday entitlement if you leave Flashbay.

All applications for holiday must be sent to your team leader/manager. You are entitled to apply for holiday once you have completed 5 months of continuous employment (meaning your holiday can begin after the 6th month of employment).

You should give as much notice as possible of your intention to take holiday, in any case the minimum acceptable notice period is 20 days, and should not make a holiday booking (or other bookings incurring any expense) until your holiday request has been approved.

You cannot carry unused holiday into the following holiday year, however it should be noted that Flashbay offers to pay (pro rata) for unused holiday.

Sales staff procedure on scheduling orders when covering for a colleague

i) An order received from an existing customer of a colleague who is on holiday, should be scheduled in their name

ii) An order received from a lead assigned to a colleague who is on holiday, can either be scheduled in your name or the person who is on holiday. This is left to individual agreements between the 2 sales people prior to the holiday. We suggest that orders should be scheduled in your name if you have done the majority of the work to yield an order.

For all EU sales staff

You follow the public holidays in your respective sales territory. So if there are UK public holidays that are not public holidays in your sales territory you are required to be on duty unless you have been approved for holiday on that day through our normal holiday application procedure.


6 April

9 April

7 May

4 June

5 June

27 August

25 December

26 December

1 January

29 March

Total 10 days in the holiday year 1st April 2012 to 31st March 2013 (UK sales account management and non-sales staff are off duty on the above days)


9 April

1 May

8 May

17 May

28 May

15 August

1 November

25 December

1 January

Total 9 days in the holiday year 1st April 2012 to 31st March 2013 (FRENCH sales account management staff are off duty on the above days)


9 April

25 April

1 May

15 August

1 November

25 December

26 December

1 January

Total 8 days in the holiday year 1st April 2012 to 31st March 2013 (ITALIAN sales account management staff are off duty on the above days)


6 April

1 May

15 August

12 October

1 November

6 December

25 December

1 January

29 March

Total 9 days in the holiday year 1st April 2012 to 31st March 2013 (SPANISH sales account management staff are off duty on the above days)


9 April

30 April

17 May

28 May

25 December

26 December

1 January

Total 7 full days in the holiday year 1st April 2012 to 31st March 2013 (DUTCH sales account management staff are off duty on the above days)


6 April

9 April

1 May

17 May

6 June

25 December

26 December

1 January

29 March

Total 9 days in the holiday year 1st April 2012 to 31st March 2013 (SWEDISH sales account management staff are off duty on the above days)


5 April

6 April

9 April

4 May

17 May

28 May

5 June

25 December

26 December

1 January

28 March

29 March

Total 12 days in the holiday year 1st April 2012 to 31st March 2013 (DANISH sales account management staff are off duty on the above days)


5 April

6 April

9 April

1 May

17 May

28 May

25 December

26 December

31 December

1 January

28 March

29 March

Total 12 days in the holiday year 1st April 2012 to 31st March 2013 (DANISH sales account management staff are off duty on the above days)


6 April

9 April

1 May

17 May

6 December

25 December

26 December

1 January

29 March

Total 9 days in the holiday year 1st April 2012 to 31st March 2013 (FINNISH sales account management staff are off duty on the above days)


9 April

1 May

3 May

7 June

15 August

1 November

25 December

26 December

1 January

Total 9 days in the holiday year 1st April 2012 to 31st March 2013 (POLISH sales account management staff are off duty on the above days)


9 April

1 May

28 May

20 August

23 October

1 November

25 December

26 December

1 January

15 March

Total 10 days in the holiday year 1st April 2012 to 31st March 2013 (HUNGARIAN sales account management staff are off duty on the above days)


9 April

1 May

8 May

5 July

6 July

28 September

24 December

25 December

26 December

1 January

Total 10 days in the holiday year 1st April 2012 to 31st March 2013 (CZECH sales account management staff are off duty on the above days)


6 April

9 April

1 May - does not cover all territories

17 May

28 May

7 June - does not cover all territories

15 August - does not cover all territories

3 October - does not cover all territories

31 October

1 November - does not cover all territories

23 November

25 December

26 December

1 March

29 March

Total 10 days covering all territories in the holiday year 1st April 2012 to 31st March 2013 (ALL GERMAN sales account management staff are off duty on the above days covering all territories) Total 5 days NOT covering all territories in the holiday year 1st April 2012 to 31st March 2013 (Please check with your team leader whether you are required to work on the above days NOT covering all territories)


28 May

4 July

3 September

12 November

22 November

23 November

24 December

25 December

26 December

31 December

1 January

18 February

Total 12 days in the holiday year 1st April 2012 to 31st March 2013 (USA sales account management staff are off duty on the above days)

Health and Safety

Health and Safety policy

Flashbay is committed to ensuring your health, safety and welfare in the workplace. In the event of any illness or injury arising whilst at work, you should contact a member of the management. In the event of fire, all staff must follow the fire evacuation procedures, which are clearly displayed around the building.

Whilst Flashbay will use every endeavour to ensure your health, safety and welfare at work, you must nonetheless:

(a) take reasonable care for your own safety and that of others who may be affected by what you do or do not do

(b) cooperate with our health, safety and welfare policy as detailed above and below

(c) not interfere with or mis-use anything provided for your use, which is provided for your health, safety and welfare

First Aid/Accidents

If someone is taken ill or is injured in the office and requires medical treatment immediately, inform a Director, Manager or someone from the building Security office.

If necessary, call an ambulance on 999. If you call an ambulance, make sure that you advise the receptionist so that the ambulance staff can find you. First aid boxes containing small quantities of band-aids, bandages etc. are located in kitchen. New staff should familiarise themselves with the location of the first Aid kit.

The contents of these boxes must only be used by qualified first aid staff. Lastly, you must notify a Director of any illness or injury at work and provide them with full details to enable them to make an entry in Flashbay's incident reporting system.

Smoking, Alcohol and Drug Abuse


Flashbay operates a no-smoking policy in all of its premises. Smoking is not permitted in any of the Flashbay buildings.

Alcohol and Drug Abuse

Drug and serious alcohol abuse will be treated as a disciplinary offence and Flashbay may suspend a member of staff felt to be incapable of carrying out their duties. Flashbay will treat sympathetically any member of staff undergoing full and proper treatment for an alcohol or drug-related problem.

Fire Safety

If you discover a Fire

Immediately operate the nearest fire alarm call point.

Alert others to the situation and inform the Security office.

Only use a fire extinguisher if the fire is small and you can do so without personal risk.

Building Evacuation

If you hear the fire alarm you must leave the building.

(a) Use the nearest fire exit

(b) Do not use the lifts

(c) Do not stop for personal belongings



Flashbay requires you to be honest and to behave with integrity at all times while having respect for the environment in which you and your colleagues work.

Some basic guidelines:

(a) Please ensure that your desk is kept tidy at all times

(b) Refrain from playing music through external speakers or through headphones

(c) Refrain from using your mobile phone for voice calls within the primary office area

(d) Exercise caution when moving your chair as others may be passing by

(e) Exercise caution when carrying liquids of any kind as a spillage could seriously damage our electronic equipment

(f) Exercise caution when using the floor-boxes as these contain important electrical and communications connections

(g) Please return all plates to the kitchen area by the end of the day

(h) Switch off your computer at the end of each working day

(i) Remove all food items from your desk at the end of each working day

Conduct outside the office

Flashbay operates in close proximity to a number of other businesses, in a location that has a large staff and resident population. To ensure that Flashbay presents a professional image to all external parties please consider the following principles:

(a) Be courteous to all people that you encounter outside the office.

(b) Refrain from making excessive noise in the public spaces, both internal and external.

(c) Refer all persons enquiring about Flashbay to a Director and do not divulge information about what our business does.

(d) Ensure that the external door to the building is properly closed when you enter and exit the building.

(e) Remember that even when in the bar / restaurants at the office development our actions reflect on Flashbay as a company so please act responsibly and be courteous to all members of staff and customers.

(f) Refrain from smoking immediately outside the entrance to the office building and ensure that cigarettes are properly extinguished in bins provided by the office development.

(g) Do not drop litter within the grounds of office development.

(h) Ensure that all bicycles are secured only in an approved bicycle storage area and not attached to railings or lamp posts.

(i) Ensure that cars are parked legally and in accordance with the rules and regulations of the office development.

Personal relationships

We appreciate that from time to time personal relationships may develop between people who work within Flashbay. If you enter into such a relationship you should inform the Manager for whom you work at the earliest opportunity. This is to make sure that Flashbay does not find itself in an embarrassing position as a result of not knowing that two people are in a relationship.

In situations where personal relationships have developed between two members of the company, we reserve the right to change reporting lines should we consider it necessary.

Relationships with customers

You should advise the appropriate Manager if there is any family connection or close relationship between you and a customer or a customer's management or shareholders, or if there are any other circumstances which may create a conflict of interest.

Outside Interests

You should not undertake additional paid employment outside Flashbay or carry out professional work on your own account without the consent of Flashbay.

Environmentally Responsible Behaviour

As part of our Corporate Social Responsibility we are committed to creating and maintaining an environmentally friendly company and raising awareness amongst all members of Flashbay about environmental issues. You will see material around Flashbay about the company's Green Campaign and are asked to participate fully with initiatives such as recycling, waste management and energy conservation.


Flashbay adopts a 'business casual' dress code which is intended to ensure that as a company we project a business-like and professional image to other business people, residents and staff at the office and surrounding development.

The basis of the dress code is as follows:

(a) It is not necessary to wear a suit, unless meeting an external supplier, customer or conducting an interview.

(b) Smart jeans may be worn. Very smart shorts are acceptable in summer months.

(c) Shirts / Blouses should be presentable and preferably tucked in at the waist.

(d) T-Shirts may only be worn if they are smart and do not display any offensive slogans or images.

(e) Dark trainers may be worn provided they are in keeping with the overall smart appearance. Flip flops and other highly casual footwear are not permitted.

(f) Proper attention should be paid to matters of personal hygiene.

Naturally, you will be aware of what constitutes a ‘smart appearance’ and you are encouraged to exercise personal judgment with regard to your choice of dress.

Your possessions on Flashbay's premises and outside it.

The security of your personal property is your own responsibility and Flashbay will not be held liable for loss or damage to your personal effects.

If you should lose or find any personal items on the premises you should advise a Director. lf you find an unidentified object or observe any individual behaving suspiciously on the premises, you should contact a Director or Manager immediately.

If you believe that any of your personal belongings are stolen, please report this as quickly as possible to a Director, with the following details:

(a) what has been stolen (b) the approximate value of the stolen items (c) where it was stolen from (d) when you discovered the theft

In the event of losses sustained by Flashbay in relation to the company property in your care which we are unable to recover through insurance, and if you have not taken reasonable care of the property, Flashbay reserves the right to look for reimbursement from you.

Right of search

There may be occasions where we are searching for documents, files or products while you are out of the office, and in those circumstances, we reserve the right to search your desk, computer and file cabinets in our attempt to find the material. If we become aware of a theft from our premises we also ask that you allow us the right to search your bags and pockets if we have reason to believe it is appropriate. We would not undertake such a search lightly, but it is important that, to protect the security and well being of all staff, we can investigate thefts promptly.


As our activities are of a confidential nature, you should exercise the utmost care to prevent persons from obtaining information to which they are not entitled. Accordingly, under no circumstances should visitors be allowed to enter our offices, other than the official meeting rooms, except in the company of a Director.

Leaving Flashbay


Your notice period is detailed in your employment contract. If you are giving notice, you should do so in writing to your manager.


Flashbay's normal retirement age is 65. The Age Discrimination Regulations permit you to request to work beyond your normal retirement age.

Exit Interview

On acceptance of your notice, you may be asked to attend an exit interview with a Manager or Director. The purpose of this is to explore your experience of working for Flashbay, your reasons for leaving and to provide us with feedback to assist us in our future recruitment and management.

Giving of References

We have two-fold duties as a referee - a duty to the potential employer to make sure that we do not make any negligent misstatement, and a duty to the subject of the reference to be accurate and not misleading.

Contacting customers

If you resign from Flashbay or are asked to leave the company, under no circumstances should you contact any customer of the company for any reason.