Office Staff Manual: Difference between revisions

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'''[[Fire Safety]]'''
'''[[Fire Safety]]'''

== Conduct ==
Flashbay requires you to be honest and to behave with integrity at all times while having respect for the environment in which you and your colleagues work.
'''Some basic guidelines:'''
(a) Please ensure that your desk is kept tidy at all times
(b) Refrain from playing music through external speakers or through headphones
(c) Refrain from using your mobile phone for voice calls within the primary office area
(d) Exercise caution when moving your chair as others may be passing by
(e) Exercise caution when carrying liquids of any kind as a spillage could seriously damage our electronic equipment
(f) Exercise caution when using the floor-boxes as these contain important electrical and communications connections
(g) Please return all plates to the kitchen area by the end of the day
(h) Switch off your computer at the end of each working day
(i) Remove all food items from your desk at the end of each working day
'''Conduct outside the office'''
Flashbay operates in close proximity to a number of other businesses, in a location that has a large staff and resident population. To ensure that Flashbay presents a professional image to all external parties please consider the following principles:
(a) Be courteous to all people that you encounter outside the office.
(b) Refrain from making excessive noise in the public spaces, both internal and external.
(c) Refer all persons enquiring about Flashbay to a Director and do not divulge information about what our business does.
(d) Ensure that the external door to the building is properly closed when you enter and exit the building.
(e) Remember that even when in the bar / restaurants at the office development our actions reflect on Flashbay as a company so please act responsibly and be courteous to all members of staff and customers.
(f) Refrain from smoking immediately outside the entrance to the office building and ensure that cigarettes are properly extinguished in bins provided by the office development.
(g) Do not drop litter within the grounds of office development.
(h) Ensure that all bicycles are secured only in an approved bicycle storage area and not attached to railings or lamp posts.
(i) Ensure that cars are parked legally and in accordance with the rules and regulations of the office development.
'''Personal relationships'''
We appreciate that from time to time personal relationships may develop between people who work within Flashbay. If you enter into such a relationship you should inform the Manager for whom you work at the earliest opportunity. This is to make sure that Flashbay does not find itself in an embarrassing position as a result of not knowing that two people are in a relationship.
In situations where personal relationships have developed between two members of the company, we reserve the right to change reporting lines should we consider it necessary.
'''Relationships with customers'''
You should advise the appropriate Manager if there is any family connection or close relationship between you and a customer or a customer's management or shareholders, or if there are any other circumstances which may create a conflict of interest.
'''Outside Interests'''
You should not undertake additional paid employment outside Flashbay or carry out professional work on your own account without the consent of Flashbay.
'''Environmentally Responsible Behaviour'''
As part of our Corporate Social Responsibility we are committed to creating and maintaining an environmentally friendly company and raising awareness amongst all members of Flashbay about environmental issues. You will see material around Flashbay about the company's Green Campaign and are asked to participate fully with initiatives such as recycling, waste management and energy conservation.
Flashbay adopts a 'business casual' dress code which is intended to ensure that as a company we project a business-like and professional image to other business people, residents and staff at the office and surrounding development.
The basis of the dress code is as follows:
(a) It is not necessary to wear a suit, unless meeting an external supplier, customer or conducting an interview.
(b) Smart jeans may be worn. Very smart shorts are acceptable in summer months.
(c) Shirts / Blouses should be presentable and preferably tucked in at the waist.
(d) T-Shirts may only be worn if they are smart and do not display any offensive slogans or images.
(e) Dark trainers may be worn provided they are in keeping with the overall smart appearance. Flip flops and other highly casual footwear are not permitted.
(f) Proper attention should be paid to matters of personal hygiene.
Naturally, you will be aware of what constitutes a ‘smart appearance’ and you are encouraged to exercise personal judgment with regard to your choice of dress.
'''Your possessions on Flashbay's premises and outside it.'''
The security of your personal property is your own responsibility and Flashbay will not be held liable for loss or damage to your personal effects.
If you should lose or find any personal items on the premises you should advise a Director. lf you find an unidentified object or observe any individual behaving suspiciously on the premises, you should contact a Director or Manager immediately.
If you believe that any of your personal belongings are stolen, please report this as quickly as possible to a Director, with the following details:
(a) what has been stolen
(b) the approximate value of the stolen items
(c) where it was stolen from
(d) when you discovered the theft
In the event of losses sustained by Flashbay in relation to the company property in your care which we are unable to recover through insurance, and if you have not taken reasonable care of the property, Flashbay reserves the right to look for reimbursement from you.
'''Right of search'''
There may be occasions where we are searching for documents, files or products while you are out of the office, and in those circumstances, we reserve the right to search your desk, computer and file cabinets in our attempt to find the material. If we become aware of a theft from our premises we also ask that you allow us the right to search your bags and pockets if we have reason to believe it is appropriate. We would not undertake such a search lightly, but it is important that, to protect the security and well being of all staff, we can investigate thefts promptly.
As our activities are of a confidential nature, you should exercise the utmost care to prevent persons from obtaining information to which they are not entitled. Accordingly, under no circumstances should visitors be allowed to enter our offices, other than the official meeting rooms, except in the company of a Director.

== Leaving Flashbay ==
== Leaving Flashbay ==

Revision as of 11:44, 1 October 2012

The Flashbay Office Manual

The purpose of this manual is to explain in a practical way the systems, policies and procedures in operation at Flashbay. Flashbay's approach and ethos has been created and maintained to ensure a meritocratic and open culture. We are proud of Flashbay's energetic atmosphere which appreciates contribution and dynamism at all levels.

The manual does not form part of the contractual terms of your employment. It will be updated as and when systems or procedures change and we will notify you whenever major changes have been made. At all times, the Internet version is the live, up to date version and you should refer to this rather than any paper copies. If you have any suggestions for additions to the office manual, or if you need clarification on any of the policies, please email James Roberts, Director of Flashbay, in the first instance.

Flashbay Values

General Information


Equal Opportunities and Diversity Policy

Communications Policy and IT

Email use

Telephone use

Skype Instant Messenger



Health and Safety

Smoking, Alcohol and Drug Abuse

Fire Safety


Leaving Flashbay


Your notice period is detailed in your employment contract. If you are giving notice, you should do so in writing to your manager.


Flashbay's normal retirement age is 65. The Age Discrimination Regulations permit you to request to work beyond your normal retirement age.

Exit Interview

On acceptance of your notice, you may be asked to attend an exit interview with a Manager or Director. The purpose of this is to explore your experience of working for Flashbay, your reasons for leaving and to provide us with feedback to assist us in our future recruitment and management.

Giving of References

We have two-fold duties as a referee - a duty to the potential employer to make sure that we do not make any negligent misstatement, and a duty to the subject of the reference to be accurate and not misleading.

Contacting customers

If you resign from Flashbay or are asked to leave the company, under no circumstances should you contact any customer of the company for any reason.