Useful IT Information

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Receiving a quota warning

• When receiving this message it is important to make sure that all emails in the ‘Old VP emails’, ‘Large old emails’ and ‘Large emails’ folders are deleted if they are no longer required. These searches can be found in the ‘Searches’ section on the left hand side panel

• Also, please ensure that the emails addressed to have been deleted

• Make sure that the Trash can has been emptied

• Once all this has been done, please email – subject to managerial approval we will increase your quota

Creating a share of a folder

• Right click on the folder that you want to be shared and select ‘Share Folder’:

• The following box will appear:

• Enter the names of the people you want to share the folder with in the ‘Email’ box

• Select the Role – this determines whether the person the folder will be shared with can only read the folder, edit the contents and/or remove emails from within the folder

• You can also choose to send a message to the user detailing information relating to the share i.e. permissions, what they have been given access to etc.

Searching Shared Folders

To search a shared folder

• In the search bar, use the following format to search for specific emails within a single folder:

in:"[Share name]" search_term

• For example, in the below screenshot a search is being made for all emails relating to Zimbra that are stored in the IT Support inbox

• If you want to search for emails from within a folder and all of its subfolders, enter the search in the format below:

under:"[Share name]" search_term

• For example, in the below screenshot a search is being made for all emails relating to Dell that are stored in IT Support’s inbox, and the ‘Important’, ‘Orders’ and ‘Stephen (Dell)' folders

These two types of search will produce different results, you should experiment to see the effect.

Forwarding Emails

• Go to the Preferences tab and select Mail from the left hand side:

• Scroll down to the ‘Receiving Messages´ section and within the text box labelled ‘Forward a copy to:’ enter the email address of the person you want to receive your emails. Then click on the ‘Save’ button at the top:

Setting up an Out-of-Office

• Go to the Preferences tab and select Mail from the left hand side:

• Scroll down to the ‘Receiving Messages´ section and tick the box next to ‘Send auto-reply message’. Write down the message you want to send out then below that select when you want this message to be sent:

• Then click on the ‘Save’ button at the top:

Blocking Spam Email

• To add an email address to the list of addresses to be blocked, firstly go to the ‘Preferences’ tab then select ‘Mail’ from the left hand side of the window:

• Scroll down to the ‘Spam Mail Options’

• In the text box entitled ‘Block messages from:’ enter the email address that you want to block and click ‘Add’:

• Click on the ‘Save’ button

Setting Up Filters

• It can be more beneficial to split your emails between different folders in order to be able to work more effectively. This can be done automatically once a filter has been setup.

• Do not filter emails that require immediate attention

• Firstly, go to the ‘Preferences’ tab and then select ‘Filters’ from the left hand side of the window. You will see the following:

• A filter can be setup for both incoming and outgoing emails. To add a filter, click on the ‘New Filter’ button – the window below will appear:

• Give your filter a name

• Let’s say you decide to automatically delete all emails that has the word ‘spam’ in the subject line, the window will now look like this:

• Press ‘Ok’ – all emails containing the word ‘spam’ in the subject line will be deleted

• Likewise, this is also the same procedure for any outgoing emails you want to filter



2.1.1 Firefox is Running Slowly:

Deleting the Browser cache:

1. Click on the Firefox button in the top left hand corner of the browser:

2. Scroll over the History button then select Clear Recent History:

3. When the Clear Recent History box appears, click on the Details arrow:

4. Untick everything except the Cache option:

5. Click Clear Now

Using PDF preview

1. Click on the Firefox button in the top left hand corner of the browser:

2. Scroll over the Options button then select Options:

3. Click on the ‘Applications’ tab and scroll down Portable Document Format (PDF). Ensure that the action is set to ‘Preview in Firefox’:

A website is blocked

• Certain websites that are deemed inappropriate or irrelevant for work purposes are blocked. When you try to access one of these websites you will see the following message:

• When this page appears and the website is needed for work purposes, email explaining your need for access and Netsuite details for the customer/lead in question

• IT will generate a bypass code which will be valid for a period of time that’s deemed appropriate

• When you have been given the code, click on the ‘Admin’ link and a box will appear as below in which you should enter the code:

• Type in the bypass code and press enter. The website should now be accessible

Google Chrome

Clearing the Cache

• This document is to help you when your browser slows down and you are struggling to open emails or you get a lag when typing. • This is caused by memory build up which eventually slows down the browser as the day progresses.

Clearing the Cache in Chrome

Step one:

• Go to the top right of you browser and click on this Icon

• This will bring up the drop down as show below and you will need to click on settings.

Step two:

• Look to the bottom of the page and click on Show advance settings…

Step Three:

• Now click on “Clear browser data…”

• On the “Obliterate the following items from:” dropdown make sure “the beginning of time” has been selected as shown in the below and that the tick boxes are ticked as show below.

Clearing the Cache in Firefox

Step one:

• Go to the top right of you browser and click on this Icon

• This will bring up the drop down as show below and you will need to click on Options.

Step two:

• Look to the Left and click on the Privacy tab.

• Once on this tab please click on Clear your recent History.

Step Three:

• In the “Time range to clear:” tab select “Everything”

• Below this in the details box tick the tick boxes as displayed below.

• And click “Clear Now” once this is done close down your browser completely and restart it.

Opening PDFs

• PDFs can automatically be opened in Chrome using its built-in plugin. This can be changed if you want to open PDFs in a separate program such as Adobe Reader

• To do this, first type in chrome://plugins in the address bar and you will see the following window (plugins may vary depending on what’s been installed on your PC):

• Look for the plugin called Chrome PDF Viewer – click ‘Disable

• When this has been done the plugin will be greyed out


Using Filezilla

On how to use FileZilla please see this document.


Getting a Critical File Transfer Error when uploading a file:

• This can be caused by an incorrectly formatted filename. Remove any punctuation and then retry

Data Preloading


When data or a link to data is received from a customer, the following process must be adhered to:

If the data is on the Flashbay FTP:

The sales team should proceed as normal and download the data.

If the data is sent via external links it will redirect you to the our data upload site, if data is over 10GB then please arrange with customer to send data via USB hard drive or CD.

If the data is complex or there are special instructions, then this can be forwarded to

Security Policies

Password Policy

Passwords are essential to safeguarding the security of our data and systems. When choosing and managing passwords the following policy applies:

  • Passwords must never be written down on notepad or sticky notes under any circumstances.
  • Passwords should not be shared between users unless approved by management.
  • All passwords must be changed once every 30 days.
  • The same passwords must not be re-used at all. Please use the FB Password Generator application on your desktop to generate safe and secure passwords.
  • Passwords must be different for different systems.
  • Passwords must have a minimum length of 8 characters.
  • Passwords must contain at least two of each character type.
    • Uppercase letters (A-Z)
    • Lowercase letters (a-z)
    • Numbers (0-9)
    • Non-alphanumeric characters: ~! @#$%^&*_-+=`|\(){}[]:;"'<>,.?/

Passwords must not contain alphanumeric parts of your name, username or email address irrespective of whether the letters are uppercase or lowercase. For example, user Joseph Bloggs with username jbloggs and email cannot have a password containing "Joseph", "Bloggs", "jbloggs", "joe", "flashbay" or "com" or any variations on uppercase, lowercase, or a combination of the two.

How to choose a password

You should only use the FB Password Generator application on your desktop to generate safe and secure passwords.

How to store passwords

When logging into Zimbra, NetSuite and Slack for the first time, the below will pop up will prompt you about saving the password on Firefox and Chrome.

On Mozilla Firefox, please select the ‘save’ option
On Google Chrome, please select the ‘save password’ option

Disclosure of passwords

You are required to disclose your passwords at any time at the request of the management. Withholding password will be treated as a serious disciplinary offense.

Breaches of this policy

Breaches of this policy will be treated as a serious disciplinary offence. If a breach results in compromise of a system or unauthorised data access, you may be subject to summary dismissal for gross misconduct.

How to change your passwords


  • It is recommended that you change your password every 30 days – don’t give your password out to anybody.
  • To change your password, firstly go to the small arrow next to your name in the top right side of Zimbra, then select ‘ Change Password’ from the drop down menu.

  • Click on the ‘Change Password’ button, the following window will appear:

  • Enter the password that you currently have and the password you want to change to press twice then he ‘Change password’ button


  • Enter the password you currently have in the top text box and twice enter the password you want to change it to in the bottom two boxes – ensure that your password meets the criteria listed on the right-hand side

IMPORTANT – Please ensure you change the default password and change these passwords every 30 days - do not disclose them to anybody else.


It is the responsibility of all Flashbay’s staff to take reasonable measures to protect our network from malware infection. If you suspect your computer has become infected you need to notify the IT department immediately. Malware can spread in a variety of ways, the most common method being via email. Some attachments may have been knowingly sent by someone wanting to infect the computer of the user receiving the email. Do not click on/open any attachments from an unknown source.

What to look out for

Recent new viruses such as Ransomware has become increasingly more aggressive lately and they most of the time appear as harmless documents or files attached to emails. Since we all receive a lot of invoices these are the most common emails that we are getting viruses sent through. (Please note that any email can have a virus not just the invoice emails).

Alarming signs of viruses

1. You are not the main recipient of the email.
2. There is an attachment to the email and in the body long order references/PO numbers are used.

3. Attachment is in .zip format and there is no specific person addressed in the body of the email.

4. Attachment has an unusual format. The most popular extension names used for viruses are:
.exe; .com; .pif; .bat; .scr; .js

5. Weird signature at the end of the email.
6. Link in the body of the email

Virus Prevention

Here are some simple things to lookout for when receiving emails and how to deal with them safely.

1. Unknown sender:
If you do not know the sender, do not open any attachments in that email and contact IT for verification.

2. Invoice:
If you have been sent an invoice and there is no information written by the sender about the invoice, do not open any attachments in that email and send to IT.

3. Zipped files:
Under no circumstances open Zipped Files, Forward the email to IT for verification straight away.

If you don't recognize the sender or are in any way suspicious of an email never click on or copy any links in the message. Instead mark the email as spam and it will be removed from your inbox.

Even if you do recognize the sender it is possible that their email account has been compromised and the link is malicious. Instead of clicking on the link directly right click on it and copy the link address. Paste this into your browser and check that the pasted address corresponds with the internet resource that you were expecting and only visit the address if it does.

In the event of virus infection

As soon as you are aware that your computer has become infected you should immediately disconnect the Ethernet cable and contact IT, this will take the computer off the network protecting other users from getting infected. Note: When you contact IT please make sure you call as you will be disconnected from the Network and unable to send Emails.

If you receive a suspicious email or e-mail attachment, do NOT open it. Notify the IT department immediately. Failure to follow advice from the IT department may present a serious risk to our computer network and will be dealt with in line with the Company’s Disciplinary Policy and Procedure.

Viruses shall be marked as spam (right click on the email, select 'mark as spam') instead of being deleted.


Extension is Unavailable Error

• If, when trying to dial an internal number, you receive an automated message saying that the extension is unavailable, this is because the phone is stuck in ‘do not disturb’ mode

• To fix this, press the ‘DnD’ button as fast as you can about 10 times.

The call quality is Poor

• If you are getting a bad reception on the line, for example crackling noises or other unusual sounds, follow the procedure below:

• Press Menu:

• The following choices will appear:

• Press 4:

• Press 1:

• Press the ‘tick’ button – the phone will reboot

Handset Problems

• If you’re having issues with the phone itself, i.e. the phone has frozen, follow the steps below:

• Press Menu:

• The following choices will appear:

• Press 5:

• Press 3:

• Press the ‘tick’ button

How to Transfer a Call

You must never transfer a call without speaking to the person receiving the transfer via the phone during the transfer process. Do not discuss the transfer face-to-face and then transfer the call directly or otherwise perform a direct unattended transfer.

• Once the call has been received, press the ‘Hold’ button:

• Dial the extension you want to transfer to

• Confirm with the person the call is for whether the transfer should be made

• Press the ‘tick’ button


• Once the call has been received, press the ‘Hold’ button:

• Dial the extension you want to transfer to

• Confirm with the person the call is for whether the transfer should be made

• Press the ‘Transfer’ button twice:

• For health and safety reasons, please do not touch the cables coming from the floorports.