Mini Marketing Campaigns

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Revision as of 20:46, 15 November 2012 by Steve (talk | contribs)
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There is a strict ban on any of our sales staff running their own mini email marketing campaigns to attract customer business. As a salesperson, you should address leads/customers individually (i.e. one at a time) with an individual message and customized offer.

Please see below for reasons why we strictly forbid any micro email marketing campaigns to be conducted by sales staff:

Strategy reasons

We don’t want to blur the boundary between sales and marketing just as we would not want to get sales people involved in production, shipping etc.

Our marketing strategy is highly automated and often involves the sending of mass emails to our existing customers which contain information that is broadly relevant to them as purchasers of our products. But sending too many general emails can annoy customers. As with many things in life we believe after a certain threshold ‘less is more’ . The right balance can only be achieved if email marketing is centrally managed.

We believe the role of a salesperson is about the value added with individual human interaction and individual decisions. The best salesmanship results from targeted, individualised calls and emails to one's lead/customer base.

If we believed in automating communication, it could be easily achieved in various stages of the order process – but this is not currently the plan as the customer experience would be diminished along with profitability.

Technical reasons

Your email address + IP address combination will be gradually ‘black listed’ by some servers after many identical bulk emails. The % of legitimate email you send which is wrongly classed as spam in future will increase. Our marketing email addresses have the same problem, but we can throw these away and use a new email address. We should however keep ‘’ as clean as possible.