Flashbay Sales Standards

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Revision as of 17:04, 12 January 2021 by Junger (talk | contribs)
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Number Standard Information

Understand the lead

Read the information in the lead (Company, contact name, email, website, search terms, identified products etc) and quickly look up the lead online to get familiar with them. Look for other companies from the same town and whether we’ve sold to the same organisation in another territory


Enter the lead

Check for duplicates and forward to the appropriate colleague if a duplicate is found, otherwise enter the lead accurately and fully into Netsuite


Call the lead

Within 45 minutes call the lead to open the sales cycle


Email the lead

Within 45 minutes email the lead to maintain momentum after the initial call or as a first point of contact if you haven't been able to reach them successfully


Offer samples

Confirm which samples the lead is interested in receiving, confirm their address - never just send samples to an address that you've found online without confirming with the lead first


Get their logo so you can have a Virtual Proof made

Ask for it as the "Call to Action" in your initial email and on the initial call. If the lead doesn't provide to you after you've asked then look it up online and send a Virtual Proof of their preferred model or an intelligent suggestion if they don’t have a preference


Provide a Quote

Once you know what the lead wants and have their logo you can provide a quote. If the lead isn't responsive to your calls or emails then quote based on the info you already know from the enquiry to give you a baseline starting point.
If you don’t have enough info then intelligently quote for the most popular model, quantity and capacity


Be responsive

Answer all questions and reply to all emails from the lead within 45 minutes - it shows you want their business.
Return all phone calls within 45 minutes


Be proactive

If a lead doesn't respond to your follow-ups decide whether to offer a better price, if they give you a competitor quote get approval to match on the Price Check channel


Make it easy for the lead

Always attach the most recent quote to all emails during the pre-sales cycle - this makes it easy for the lead to know what you're offering them


Manage the sales cycle

Always include a "Call to Action" at the end of calls and in the last paragraph of emails to progress to the next stage of the sales cycle


Be persistent and follow-up

Follow-up with appropriate frequency - for responsive leads this will be an active conversation, for unresponsive leads you should set a follow-up date in the pipeline and follow the Automatic Follow-up reminder email notifications


Be aware of deadlines

If the lead has specified a deadline your follow-up needs to be more frequent and remind the lead of their important deadline and our lead times


