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Latest revision as of 09:30, 21 March 2013

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Email, the Internet, telephone and fax facilities and voicemail are widely used by Flashbay, both internally and as a means of communicating to customers and others outside Flashbay.

These technologies are an extremely efficient means of communication. However, use of them may bring a number of potential problems and pitfalls. The following policy on the use of electronic communications is intended to ensure that all staff (including temporary staff and contractors) can ensure that the integrity of Flashbay's work and reputation is protected.

This policy applies not only to Flashbay's standard equipment but also to any other equipment provided by or on behalf of Flashbay.

To protect its business and the interests of customers, staff and others, you should note that Flashbay reserves the right to access, monitor and review your telephone log and calls, voicemail, email (including personal/private email or email accounts accessed from or using Flashbay equipment), internet use and other communication facilities provided by Flashbay which you may use during your time with us. We undertake to use this right reasonably, when necessary, in a targeted manner and for legitimate reasons but it is important that you are aware that communication and activities on our premises cannot be presumed to be private. If the monitoring reveals other information that we cannot be reasonably expected to ignore (e.g. criminal activity, gross misconduct etc) then that information might be used against you or disclosed by us to relevant authorities.

Unauthorised downloads

You must never, without permission from the IT Department, install, import or open non-text or unauthorised files, software, programs, music files, video files or unknown attachments on to your PC, Flashbay's system or any computer equipment, whether from disc, CD-ROM, email or any other medium unless it relates to Flashbay's business. This includes non-Flashbay screensavers. All our workstations have anti-virus software installed and if this detects a problem, or you are unsure whether it is safe to open a particular attachment, you should always refer to the IT Department who will scan any work-related files or programs for viruses before passing them to you, to ensure there is no risk to our systems.

Always remember that music, text and other content on the internet are copyright works. Never download or email to others such content unless you are certain that the owner of such works allows this.

Inappropriate Material

Do not access, download, redistribute, or copy using the Flashbay system or using equipment provided by Flashbay, any e-mail, or webpage containing material that, in the widest meaning of these terms and whether legal in the UK or not, could be regarded as: offensive or obscene (including pornography), in bad taste or immoral, containing extreme or hate speech, or relating to illegal matters.

Use of another's Employee's system/accounts or access details.

It is forbidden to gain or attempt to gain unauthorised access to another computer system or another person's non-public system and you are warned that such actions may well constitute criminal offences as well as being a serious breach of this policy. You must never send messages from an account other than your own on Flashbay's system nor (except where authorised by a Director) send or receive any message, fax or voicemail under a name other than your own name.


You should keep your passwords confidential. You should memorise them and must not write it down anywhere. Flashbay's systems require you to change your password on a frequent basis. It is forbidden to give passwords to access office systems to any third party without Flashbay's express prior permission.

You should choose passwords which are 'strong' and not susceptible to a dictionary attack. It should contain letters + at least 1 number + 1 special character e.g. !£$%

If you choose a very poor password, for example, in the form of 'YourName2008', this is negligent and putting Flashbay's data and security at high risk.

Zimbra or Netsuite contacts

Addresses or contact details held in Zimbra or Netsuite belong to Flashbay. Such lists are the property of Flashbay and may not be copied or removed in part or in their entirety by you for use outside of your employment or after your employment comes to an end.

Personal use of Flashbay's IT, telephone and other facilities

Reasonable and minimal use of Flashbay's IT facilities to make and receive urgent personal telephone calls, to send and receive personal urgent faxes and email or to browse the web for urgent personal reasons is acceptable.

Activities such as browsing Facebook or Myspace, or checking personal email accounts during office hours is not permitted. We reserve the right to monitor your internet to ensure compliance with our IT policy.

Bypassing, deleting or editing internet history or other log files

The use of the Private Browsing feature in Firefox is strictly prohibited. Clearing / deleting the browser history is also forbidden. All Flashbay IT hardware and internet connections are provided to support your efficient working and the company reserves the right to audit the usage of such resources. Deleting, bypassing, falsifying or tampering with any records or files which allow for such reasonable auditing to take place will result in a formal written warning or, in serious cases, may result in summary dismissal.

This policy also applies to equivalent features in other web browsers for those employees specifically authorised by the Flashbay Management to use a web browser other than Firefox, the official company browser, for specific business reasons.

Use of remote connection software

The use of any form of remote connection software, including but not limited to Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection, TeamViewer, LogMeIn, GotToMyPC and VNC to connect to any computer either inside or outside the Flashbay network is strictly prohibited unless specifically authorised by the Flashbay Management and supervised by IT. Infringement of this policy will result in a formal written warning or, in serious cases, may result in summary dismissal.

Remote access to Flashbay systems or data

Remote access to any Flashbay computer system is prohibited as described in the previous section. Remote access (meaning from any location other than a Flashbay workplace) to Netsuite, Zimbra or any other Flashbay application, data or service is also prohibited unless authorised by the Flashbay Management.

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