Equal Opportunities and Diversity Policy

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What is Diversity?

Diversity is not just about equal opportunity and is not just about avoiding discrimination. Diversity is about embracing the commercial and cultural benefits derived from attracting, nurturing and gaining the contribution of a diverse workforce.

Flashbay's Diversity Commitment

We as a company understand that it makes good commercial and ethical sense to employ a diverse range of people in Flashbay, people from either gender and all economic, social, educational and ethnic backgrounds, of all faiths, sexual orientations and physical abilities.

We will actively seek to attract and recruit people to Flashbay from a diverse background. We undertake to select, train and promote people using objective and justifiable criteria and continually to challenge ourselves about the effect that our selection and internal management processes may be having on our commitment to diversity.

Flashbay is committed to providing equal opportunities to all staff of and applicants to the company and does not discriminate, directly or indirectly, on grounds of gender, sexual orientation, marital or civil partner status, race, religion or disability.

We aim to ensure that you are selected, trained, compensated, promoted or transferred solely on the strength of your ability, skills, qualifications and merit and that you suffer no discrimination or harassment on any of the above grounds whilst in our employment or in connection to our employment after it has ended.

Overall responsibility for this policy and Flashbay's compliance with it rests with the Directors. However, equality of opportunity in Flashbay can only be achieved with the support of all employees and it is your responsibility to ensure that this equal opportunity policy is observed. You should also understand that there is a moral and legal duty not to discriminate against individuals on any of the grounds outlined above, nor to subject any person to harassment, victimisation or bullying, nor to treat part-time workers or fixed-term employees less favourably. If you feel that you have suffered from harassment, discrimination, bullying or victimisation, please contact a company Director.

Underlying Values

All staff have the right to a working environment free from all forms of unlawful, discrimination or bullying.

We recognise that misunderstandings can sometimes arise where people of different sexes, interests and cultures work together. However, if you feel any particular form of conduct has violated your dignity or created an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment, then it may constitute harassment and as such, could render the individual responsible liable to disciplinary action.

Equally, if any action or decision has the effect of causing you to be treated less favourably and this discrimination is due to your gender, sexual orientation, marital or civil partner status, race, religion or belief, disability or part-time worker or fixed-term employee status this could render the individual responsible liable to disciplinary action.

We all have a personal responsibility to behave in a manner that is not offensive to others. Flashbay will investigate complaints of harassment, discrimination or bullying against you or made by you. Any breach of this policy will render the individual responsible liable to disciplinary action, including the possibility of summary dismissal. Everyone is responsible for ensuring that we have a working environment free from harassment, discrimination and bullying.

If you believe that any member of Flashbay, or any customer or third party connected with Flashbay has harassed you, discriminated against you, victimised you or bullied you, you should seek to resolve the matter informally first, if you feel able to do so. If this fails to resolve the situation, you should speak to a Director or manager who will discuss with you the steps for you and Flashbay to take that are appropriate in the circumstances. If as a result of those discussions with you an investigation takes place, those investigating the complaint will be sensitive to the feelings and needs of those involved and will be sure to treat everyone concerned with respect during the course of the investigation. They will make every effort to ensure the complaint is resolved speedily and time limits for dealing with the complaint will be set where appropriate.

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