Office Manual

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The office manual is designed to give you a brief overview of our expectations within the office environment. For further information please refer to the Company's Employee Handbook and Policies.

Office Hours

The Flashbay standard office hours vary by sales territory but core hours for UK support staff are 9am to 6pm, Monday to Friday. The hours are shifted for Sales people who sell to different countries. e.g. for Sales account managers targeting France, Germany and Spain, the hours are 8am to 5pm. You may be required to work such additional hours as may be necessary to fulfil the requirements of the role.

The Company reserves the right to vary the times and days at which you are required to work without increasing your total hours at its absolute discretion to meet business needs and/or improve business efficiency.

Flashbay expects that all employees will be punctual both in their dealings with customers and in their day to day activities. Timely arrival in the morning is of particular importance if for any reason you will arrive late, please inform HR via

Office Conduct

  • Please ensure that your desk and working area is kept tidy at all times.
  • Refrain from playing music through external speakers or through headphones.
  • Refrain from using your mobile phone within the primary office areas.
  • Exercise caution when moving your chair as others may be passing by.
  • Exercise caution when carrying liquids of any kind as a spillage could seriously damage our electronic equipment.
  • Exercise caution with the floor-boxes as these contain important electrical and communications connections.
  • Please return all plates, mugs, glasses and cutlery to the kitchen area by the end of the day.
  • Please do not take any plates, mugs, glasses and cutlery home. If you happen to do so accidentally, please return as soon as possible.
  • Remember to lock your computer when you are away from your desk .
  • Switch off your computer at the end of each working day.
  • Remove all food items from your desk at the end of each working day.
  • Do not change the settings on any thermostat unless you have the permission of your line manager.

Out of Office Conduct

Flashbay operates in close proximity to a number of other businesses, in a location that has a large staff and resident population. To ensure that Flashbay presents a professional image to all external parties please consider the following principles:

  • Refrain from making excessive noise in the public spaces, both internal and external.
  • Refer all persons enquiring about Flashbay to a member of the HR team and do not divulge information about our business.
  • Ensure that the external door to the building is properly closed when you enter and exit the building.
  • Remember that our actions reflect on Flashbay as a company so please act responsibly and be courteous to all members of staff, customers and the general public when outside our office.
  • Refrain from smoking immediately outside the entrance to the office building or in close proximity to any windows and ensure that cigarettes are properly extinguished in bins provided.
  • Please remember you are acting as ambassadors of Flashbay during work-related social events which are covered under Company policies.
  • Do not drop litter.
  • Ensure that all bicycles are secured only in an approved bicycle storage area and not attached to railings or lamp posts.
  • Ensure that cars are parked legally and in accordance with the rules and regulations of the office development.

Environmentally Responsible Behaviour

As part of our Corporate Social Responsibility we are committed to creating and maintaining an environmentally friendly company and to raising awareness amongst all members of Flashbay about environmental issues. Please avoid printing materials unless absolutely necessary and ensure you use the recycling bins around our offices.


After your first week of employment with Flashbay you will be issued with a security ‘fob' which you will need to keep with you at all times and use to enter the building. If you lose your fob, please report this to the Office Coordinator immediately. Employees will be charged £20 for the cost of a replacement fob. 

Please be vigilant at all times:

  • Do not allow others to 'tailgate' when you're entering the building
  • If you see someone trying to enter the building without an entry key, please politely ask them if they need any assistance and escort them to reception if they state that they have a meeting with someone at Flashbay. If they have no reason to be at our office please inform the Office Coordinator immediately.
  • If you notice anyone who you suspect may be unauthorised to be in our offices, please inform the Office Coordinator immediately.

To ensure the safety of all of our employees and to aid in building strong working relationships, all employees must have a photograph of themselves on NetSuite, Slack and Wrike (if applicable). HR will contact you to arrange for a photograph to be taken - the photograph will be used for internal purposes only.

Right of Search

There may be occasions where we are searching for documents, files or products while you are out of the office, and in those circumstances, we reserve the right to search your desk, computer and file cabinets in our attempt to find the material. If we become aware of a theft from our premises we also ask that you allow us the right to search your bags and pockets if we have reason to believe it is appropriate. We would not undertake such a search lightly, but it is important that, to protect the security and well being of all staff, we can investigate thefts promptly.

Who to contact

Issue Email to
Office environment issue/request (air-conditioning, fridge, leakage, stationery etc)
Lateness and absence
Holiday requests
HR questions, issues, reference requests
Payroll or Pension related questions
Quote tool feedback and wiki suggestions
Website issues
IT related issues (keyboard, phone, computer) #it_help_uk Slack Channel
Feedback, suggestions, concerns and ideas from staff