Country Sales Team Specific

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EU Sales Team

Shipments to our UK Warehouse

Please note, orders should not be shipped from China to the UK Warehouse before being shipped on to their final destinations.

If there is a compelling reason why a particular order needs to be shipped via the UK Warehouse, you must seek direct approval from the Managing Director on each case before instructing China to do so.

The only exceptions are orders for Belgium and South Africa.

Spanish Sales Team

Spanish Private copy levy

The Spanish private copy levy is charged by the Ventanillaunica digital. The fees are charged for media storage devices such as our USB devices.

USB memory products sold to the Spanish market are subject to the Spanish private copy levy unless the customer is exempt, such as public sector entities which have been accredited as such by the Ventanillaunica, Private individuals using the Flash drive for private use, Institutions authorised to carry out reproduction, or anyone using products outside of the Spanish territory. To prove exemption, customers need a document from the Ventanillaunica.

Sales Account Managers must inform the customer that their order will be liable to these fees and that they will be added to the invoice at the below rates.

[Item code: ES CP]

USB fee of any volume is € 0.24

Please consult your Group Leader / Sales Team Manager if any questions occur.

Shipments to the Canary Islands

All shipments to the Canary Islands undergo a separate customs procedure in addition to the formal importation to Spain. The import tax which is specific to the Canary Islands is called 'Impuesto General Indirecto Canario', in short IGIC.

Please note that this tax is frequently changed but it should be sufficient to inform the customer that this tax exists.

German Sales Team

1. GEMA for Germany

The GEMA (Gesellschaft für musikalische Aufführungs- und mechanische Vervielfältigungsrechte / English: Society for musical performing and mechanical reproduction rights) charges fees for media storage devices such as our USB drives.

Customers should be advised that our devices are subject to GEMA charges, however Flashbay does NOT collect the charges. The customer should submit information relating to GEMA to GEMA directly and pay any assciated charges directly. Flashbay can provide the required PDF form and further information relating to GEMA if required by the customer. Flashbay invoices also inform the customer that GEMA charges apply.

Please consult your GroupLeader / Sales Team Manager if any other questions occur.

USB Tarif Download

Importer PDF Download

2. Customers questions - ZPÜ (past orders)

For some orders placed between 2012 -2014 Flashbay had paid the Royalty fee directly to ZPÜ on behalf of the customer.
If customer contacts you saying they have received a letter from ZPÜ (confirming a paid invoice) please contact Accounts stating the order number.

Accounts will advise when:

1. The details of the order were provided to ZPÜ
2. The funds were paid to ZPÜ

Please forward these information to your customer as a confirmation that Flashbay has paid the Royalty fee, stating as well that there is no other action needed from their side.

For any future order Flashbay can not pay the ZPÜ as it is the duty of the importer.

3. SMV for Austria - Form or Fee system

The Austro Mechana charges fees for media storage devices such as our USB devices. Our Austro Mechana registration number (Benutzernummer) is 21701786. A copy of our agreement with Austro Mechana can be downloaded here.

USB memory products sold into the Austrian market are subject to SMV fees (Speichermedien vergütung) unless the customer completes the below form to confirm that their particular use of the memory products means the fee does not apply.

Sales Account Managers must inform the customer that their order will be liable to SMV fees and that they will be added to the invoice at the below rates unless they return a completed, signed and stamped copy of the below form to us:

Austro Mechana Form Pdf Download

If the customer does not return the completed, signed and stamped form then specify the SMV charge when placing an order as follows.

[Item code: Austro Mechana SMV]

For customer without a valid VAT number: AT Austro Mechana SMV 0% is applicable for SMV fee ( tax rate for main line products remain at AT -20%). For customers with a valid VAT number: Valid on VIES -0% is applicable for SMV fee.

1. 1GB € 0.10
2. 2GB € 0.20
3. 4GB € 0.20
4. 8GB € 0.20
5. 16GB € 0.40
6. 32GB € 0.50
7.Over 32GB € for now same price as for 32GB € 0.50

AUME Pdf Download

Please consult your Group Leader / Sales Team Manager if any other questions occur.

These fees must be charged or a separate completed, signed and stamped form received for all orders shipped to Austria, the customer cannot opt out of paying or say that they will pay direct. The form is on a per order basis, not a per customer basis so if the customer elects to complete the form then they must do so for each individual order that they place.

If a customer's invoice address is in Austria but their delivery address is outside Austria then the customer must either:
a) Provide the completed exemption form OR
b) Provide a signed and stamped statement on their company headed paper stating that the goods from the order will never be shipped to or distributed in Austria in the future OR
c) Pay the SMV fees

4. Orders shipped to Switzerland

Swiss customers should be quoted in CHF by default. We always aim to quote in their local currency first, unless we are explicitly asked to provide a quote in EUR.

Dutch Sales Team

Netherlands Private Copy Levy

The Stichting Onderhandelingen Thuiskopievergoeding (SONT ) has decreed the new private copying levies for the Netherlands, which will be in force from 1 January 2018 to 31 December 2020.

USB memory products sold to the Dutch market are subject to the Dutch private copy levy unless the customer is exempt. Customers can register for exemption with the Foundation, and must deliver proof of exemption to Flashbay.

Sales Account Managers must inform the customer that their order will be liable to these fees and that they will be added to the invoice at the below rates.

[Item code: NL LEVY]

USB fee of any volume is € 0.60

There are three scenarios relevant to the charging of the levy:

1.Default – levy charged
If the customer (regardless of type) cannot provide proof that they are registered with SONT you must charge the levy on all USB flash drives sold, including those which form part of a Gift Set.

2.Resellers with proof of registration – levy not charged
You must collect proof of registration and must ensure that the customer is set as a reseller in Netsuite. They levy does not then need to be charged. For every order the registration status of the reseller needs to be re-confirmed to ensure it is still valid. If the registration is no longer valid then the levy must be charged.

3.Final customers with proof of registration – levy not charged
You must collect proof of registration. They levy does not then need to be charged. For every order the registration status of the customer needs to be re-confirmed to ensure it is still valid. If the registration is no longer valid then the levy must be charged.

Please consult your Group Leader / Sales Team Manager if any questions occur.

Belgium/Dutch Sales Team

Auvibel for Belgium

Collective rights management company for the private copying of sound and audiovisual works.

Please note we don’t proactively offer Auvibel to our customers. If a customer is asking about Auvibel please advise him on the following:

Flashbay acts as an exporter to Belgium, which releases Flashbay from any charges in regards to Auvibel.

Our customers on the other hand act as importers, which will be charged for Auvibel for every single drive depending on the memory capacity:

1. USB Drives with a memory capacity of ≤ 4GB -> 0,15 € / per unit
2. USB Drives with a memory capacity of > 4GB -> 0,50 € / per unit
3. USB Drives with a memory capacity of > 16GB -> 1,35 € / per unit

Please check the Auvibel Website for the most up to date costs.

Flashbay offers our customer the option of paying this charge directly to us so we will forward the payment to Auvibel in Belgium.

Please specify this charge when scheduling an order as follows.

[Item code: Auvibel]

Please consult your Group/Team Leader if any other questions occur.

Auvibel Website

Danish Sales Team

CopyDan for Denmark

CopyDan, an organisation promoting access to cultural resources against payment of copyright dues.

Please note we don’t proactively offer CopyDan to our customers. If a customer is asking about CopyDan please advise him on the following:

Flashbay acts as an exporter to Denmark, which releases Flashbay from any charges in regards to CopyDan.

Our customers on the other hand act as importers, which will be charged for CopyDan for every single drive:

1. All USB Drives -> 5,30 DKK / per unit, the fee is increasing in 2017 to 5,58 DKK

Please visit the CopyDan Website for up to date cost information.

Flashbay offers our customer the option of paying this charge directly to us so we will forward the payment to CopyDan in Denmark.

Please specify this charge when scheduling an order as follows.

[Item code: CopyDan]

Please consult your Group/Team Leader if any other questions occur.

CopyDan Website

French Sales Team

Copie France for France

USB memory products sold into the French market are subject to Sorecop fees. Sales Account Managers must inform the customer that their order will be liable to Sorecop fees and explain that they may choose to either pay these fees directly to Copie France or have Flashbay collect the fees and pay them to Copie France on behalf of the customer.

Orders shipped to Monaco

Orders shipped to Monaco will need to be delivered via UK Warehouse first.
Customers shall be asked if they have an alternative delivery address within France.
If delivery to France is not possible than additional lead time applies as goods will be received to UK Warehouse and than resent to Monaco.

Orders shipped to Switzerland

Swiss customers should be quoted in CHF by default. We always aim to quote in their local currency first, unless we are explicitly asked to provide a quote in EUR.

Italian Sales Team

CCP for Italy

USB memory products sold into the Italian market are subject to CCP fees (Compenso Copia Privata). Sales Account Managers must inform the customer that their order will be liable to CCP fees and explain that they may choose to either pay these fees directly to SIAE (Societa Italiana degli Autori ed Editori) or have Flashbay collect the fees and pay them to SIAE on behalf of the customer. If the customer chooses to pay on their own, they must state this in writing. Specify the CCP charge when placing an order as follows.

[Item code: CCP]

VAT for CCP is charged at the same rate as the USBs (valid EU VAT number - 0%, if no valid EU VAT number: 22%).

The current rate for CCP are:

1. 2GB € 0.20
2. 4GB € 0.40
3. 8GB € 0.80
4. 16GB € 1.60
5. 32GB € 3.20
6. 64GB € 6.40

Please consult your Group Leader / Sales Team Manager if any other questions occur.

Polish Sales Team

Procedure for Orders with Credit notes where customer has no EU VAT number

To fulfill the requirements of the Polish Tax Authorities for Credit Notes customers must now sign, stamp and return a scanned copy to us of any Credit Notes they received from us.

The returned Credit Note shall be forwarded to Accounts so it can be attached on NetSuite.

This only applies to customers not registered for VAT who are being charged Polish VAT of 23%, customers registered for VAT are not affected.

To complete the documentation circle, we will need to provide these customers with the Invoice and Credit Note for any replacement orders we send them. We should provide these documents together so that the customer understands that there is no additional balance to pay.

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