Orders on hold

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Orders on Hold

Hold requests to be emailed to operations.cn@flashbay.com with aftersales and your Group Leader CC.

If production not yet started - order may be placed on hold by Operations. Aftersales process manages changes to order.

If production started or completed - order may be placed on hold by Operations. Aftersales process manages changes to order, appropriate cost to be presented to customer (which Aftersales determines from information from Operations) if change or cancellation is due to customer choice and not an error on our part in any way.

If order already shipped - Standard Aftersales process to be conducted.

As a general reminder: orders must only be entered when complete order information is known and confirmed by customer via acceptance of email order confirmation.

Full orders following on from an order of a PPWS or other small trial must only be entered when they are fully confirmed, not entered and placed on hold pending confirmation.