How to Deal with Shipments Outside your Sales Territories

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Please take note of the regulations below, please contact a Sales Team Manager for advice on this topic.

i) Flashbay Limited (UK) doesn't ship to USA, Canada, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong, South Korea
ii) Flashbay Inc (US) doesn't ship to UK, EU, Norway, Switzerland, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong, South Korea
iii) Flashbay Pty (AU) doesn't ship to UK, EU, Norway, Switzerland, South Africa, USA, Canada, Mexico

It's essential for you to develop orders in your own time zone then transfer to a respective legal entity should a customer request a shipping country not served by your entity.

  • Sales orders with shipping address in UK, EU, Norway, Switzerland or South Africa must always be entered by a Flashbay Limited employee
  • Sales orders with shipping address in USA, Canada or Mexico must always be entered by a Flashbay Inc employee
  • Sales orders with shipping address in Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong or South Korea must always be entered by a Flashbay Pty employee

Abiding by these rules, you should understand when a new customer record on Netsuite may need creating.

e.g. 1
- a Danish customer who has ordered from us before and received delivery in the EU places a new order which requires delivery to the USA. The order is passed to a US sales person at the appropriate stage. US person enters the sales order on the existing customer record in their name. Commission is split between the Danish and US sales person.

e.g. 2
- a Danish customer who has ordered from us before and received delivery in the EU places a new order on behalf of their Australian entity which requires billing and delivery to Australia. The order is passed to an AU sales person at the appropriate stage. The AU person creates a new customer record and places the order in their name.

e.g. 3 - a new Danish lead enquires with Flashbay Limited and asks for shipping to the USA. In Netsuite there is already an existing lead for the same company in the US. The order is passed to the respective US sales person at the appropriate stage who either enters order on the Danish record if billing address is in Denmark or on the US record if billing address is in the USA.

These examples demonstrate that shipping address country is the only factor determining whether an order needs to be passed on to a different entity. Once passed on, billing address country will determine whether profit and commission are split. If billing address country is also one of the countries served by your entity, no split applies e.g. if billing and shipping address country are the same. If not, profit and commission should always be split with the person who passed you the order. For avoidance of doubt, if shipping address country means that the order should not be passed on to a different entity then billing address country is not relevant.

Sales orders with shipping destinations not mentioned above can be entered by any sales person as long as Operations have confirmed we can ship to that country. Invoices with your name showing as sales person must always be billed from your respective entity e.g. if you work for Flashbay Limited, you should never see your name on an invoice issued by Flashbay Pty Ltd or Flashbay Inc. Please always double-check as sometimes Netsuite is unable to do this automatically so if you spot a mistake, please ask Operations to amend the invoice.

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